7. The Conditions and Programm Based On My Method
a) As the man himself in my method of tempering awakens and onswitching
in the organism those his hidden and protective powers and faculties which
the man himself can't run and awaken by his will but only I discoved it
and can do for myself and others, the tempering of my method can be successful
only in direct help and management of mine and people whom I will give
training for that. b) The in-a-moment course of the tempering can be a
success for not each person, not in any situation and not in any conditions.
For it will be successful it is nessesary the following that: 1) the man
at thia very moment not to be physicaly ill and insane person, drunked
or distracted with anything strange.
c) it is necesary that the man knows about the possibility for this
tempering, knows that he has the hidden powers for it and believes that
they can be awakehed and that I, Ivanov, or any ohter my desciples can
awaken them in him, it is a must that he was eagerit and aspire it himself.
d) it is nessesary for the man to have determination and the power
of will for getting such a tempering. From this very moment for ever get
rid of wine, spirit and smoking and any other drugs and sexual excesses.
e) it is a must for the man go for that without any even secret deceive
from his side and a doubt inside himself.
f) With that the man must be near me at this moment and be ready without
a fear and doubt do everything I'll tell him.
g) All the rest and the most important depends also on me.
h) First of all, I take his right hand with my right hand, press myself
against his left arm with my left chick and lean my chest against his one
so that my heart is in front of his heart. With that I wish and say to
him: I wish you should have my own health and your unhealthiness I am taking
up to me what he will answer to me doesn't matter, but he must wish to
give his unhealthiness to me and get my health from me.
i) I ask the man to think about me and I will think about him hence
I am putting reciprocal contact which to be not disconnected further on.
j) By the transmision of my will on distance as unseen radio waves.
At the begining I throw my thought up to the highest into the depth
of the Univers and then down below into the depths of the water and earth
and then to all the hurted living creachers around and then into the man.
I run through his organism with my inner sight and feeling, begin with
head brain and up to the fingers and toes. and the heart and lungs and
into other organs, beside stomach which not even to be remembered at all.
Running through the man's organism with my inner sight and feeling basically
in his head nervous system I likewise as with electricity awaken with current
and swich on its hidden powers and protective faculties.
l) After all this I leave his hand and ask him if we are in a house
to go outside in the fresh air, and if we are in the free air it can be
done at the place - having lifted up the face breathe air in and out from
the highest for three times.
m) And the man having done all this can bravely go into any conditions
and not get any harm.
n) Further he must only every day in a kind of exersises make three-times
in and out breathings in the morning and evening and make washing of his
legs and feet with cold water.
A remark. After such short-term course of the tempering the man,
if he turned out to be good for this and honestly and stricly did all my
instructions and his promises, will keep and develop the given tempering
further more, all the life. Even in the case when the tempering was done
in summer he can bravely go out and in winter in any conditions and there
in them he won't loose his health even but will develop further and strengthen
further and further the protective powers and faculties of his organism.
The disadvantage of this method of in-a-moment tempering is that it is
not for everyone and in any time, it gives only the beginning of the tempering.
The people of older age having ruined health and powers and having not
strong belief and will can get the tempering only in the result of special
regime and more prolonged work over themselves with my help and my management.
2) 30- hours tempering course.
Begins with that preliminary:
i) the man wishing to temper and get the health and having known that
itcan be done with my method and only with my help asks me with his request
about that and with strong decision and promise not to deceive me in any
way and do all up to the end that I shall ask him.
ii) After that I start studing him: ask about his diseases, vices,
image of his life, listening to his heart and lungs up, examin those ill
changings on his body which are seen with eyes, special attention is paid
by me on his own complaints but at that I am trying to understand what
of all these or under what of this the root of the evil is hidden which
weaks the organism and causes the diseases which are not known now and
then by the ill person. So I examin each person individually from different
points untill I understand him and outline the individual approach for
each one and and special plan of my work with them. In spite on that each
person needs his own approach and methods, the further work generally has
to go with the following order:
iii) I address to the man with a request that he stop smoking. If he
drinks -stop drinking spirit and leading a loose life, that he for that
period of time abstain fron all businesses and passion, which can overstain
him, absorb and distract away from the tempering, but to balance himself,
concentrate all his attention and powers upon the tempering business and
his own recovering.
iv) After that I address to him with with the next request: to find
anywhere among the surrounding poor people a man who actually needs something
and give him any thing or money or food without any blame and pity. Who
grudges to give the other that won't have to gain for himself and nothing
he will get from my side. But who has nothing to give there is no judge
for him, he ought to get of his.
v) When the man has honestly done my request I prescribe and ask to
do his following regime, with which so the very course starts. In a fixed
at my discretion day do not take any food, drink, keep the function of
natural demands and do not spit a spittle. In the morning and evening before
bed wash your legs and feet and hands with cold water and during all these
experiences think about me all the time. And I do the same regime over
myself in that day , persistently I think about this man, rummage in his
whole orgasnism with my inner sight and feeling, especialy in his nervous
system, heart and lungs, and in the place where the root of evil of the
disease and weakness of this man.
vi) In this night he could sleep still but I continue thinking about
him and working in his organism all the time.
vii) In the morning after his getting up I visit him, inquire about
his state and ask him to continue the same regime till the midday. I also
keep this regime up and continue thinking about him.
viii) All this experienced regime which the person usually stands without
much work and it meens that he has the powers to reach his result. The
man who didn't stand this regime or wanting to decieve me, will get nothing
and I give up him to be occupied.
ixi) The man who stood all the regime till the next midday, at midday
he mustgo out into the clean air and make 3 times deep in-breathing and
out-breathing from the highest through his larynx, in his mind he must
ask the Nature to hive him such life and health as mine but me not to be
asked anything.
x) After that he can transit on the normal regime from the life take
any kind of food and drinks etc. not being affraid of any consequences.
xi) Having done all this the man will feel himself already new and
can not be affraid the nature and his diseases but for this that his powers
and health are progressing further to the good way, he must: continue washing
his legs, do three times deep in and out breathings and never forget about
xii) For more strengthen and develop his own tempering this man must
and in further one day do such a regime and procedure.
3) The whole one-year course of tempering.
a) During one-year course of tempering already each who wishes even
a weak and ill one can not only get rid off all his diseases, strengthen
his health, get the unreceptiveness to the new diseases and get the tempering
against the harm influence of the unfavourable conditions actually, but
do develop and examine the resistanceness of hios organism in all particular
cases and in all seasons of year. Besides, the man can get to know and
learnt to use practically for his health and profit the different conditions
and the powers in nature: the air and water, the earth crust, the atmosphere
electricity, specialy rain, coldness, the sun, wind, hail and snow. The
one-year course of the tempering it is nesessary to begin surely in spring
when the whole nature awakens and thaw out, for the central part of the
USSR: April, the 25.
b) The entire course of the one-year tempering consists of three parts:
I) The preliminary part.
II) The tempering under
my leadership and within my direct help.
III) The further independent
work in this field for each person.
I) The preliminary part.
1) The man getting known the examples, the method, the conditions of
the programm and the tempering
2) His decision, request and the agreement with him about the carrying
out of the entire tempering course.
3) My examinaton of the man as organism, as personality, materialistic
conditions of his life, especialy yet his diseases and demerits.
4) I outline the individual programm and the methods of improvement
and tempering for the present man and give him the first concrit order.
2. In spite of that people are different and their state is different so
for each person the particular approach is nessesary and special methods
of temper training, the whole course of it for different people has the
common features and actually the same programm consisting of 12 stages
(one in each month). The first month is preparitory, testing and reforming.
a) I ask the man to get worked to find without a
mistake that one who needs hard something and to give him something of
yours without a pity and let me know exactly what he gave. After that
b) I fix the following regime on this month: i)
Every day in the morning and ivening to wash his legs with cold waters.
ii) Do not drink wine, do not smoke, do not use other drugs, do not do
sexual excesses, abstain from swearing, excited games, lies, from much
praise and strong foreing passion in order to put in order the upset and
undermined powers of the nervous system, the consiousness and will. All
this he can do easily with my special help, in the cases when the man himself
doesn't have the powers to manage his vices and put himself in order himself
and his own life.
c) On the second Saturday afre the beginning of
this regime you get to keep the special regime day and a half of abstaining
from food, drink, sleep and so on., as within 30 hours tempering, and what's
more the man must think about me and I - about him persistently rummaging
with my inner sight and feeling in his nervous system and in all his organs
,awakenning the hidden powers of his with my organism living current. After
that I add the using of air to the ordinary regime, three times deep in
and out breathing through the larynx inthe morning and evening in the fresh
air, the best of all in front of wind.
d) All this time I keep the given regime, rummage
with my feeling in his organism, checking it, awakening and correcting.
After first regime day the man feels the changes in his state and with
much success, the wish and lightness goes on doing the fixed regime.
e) After it he must walk bare-headed in any weather.
f) Next Saturday I set up for him another particular
regime day and spend it altogether.
g) But on the last week of the month he must choose
one special regime day, carry out it.
h) I constantly follow the man's state.
2-nd month of the restoretion of the man's unity with the earth crust
/and/ the society.
As the man's organism and his parts are the whole unit so as the whole
unit is the environment's organism. As there are no organ of the human's
body can exist normaly and be healthy under the violation of the connection
with the whole body , so can't be the man healthy and strong if his living
connection with the Nature is weakened and broken. That is why the restoration
of the man's health and powers concludes not only in the restoration the
health , the powers of his organism, but also in the restoration of the
living connections and the unity of his with the environment and the Nature.
As the man doesn't live as a plant or animals directly and only within
the nature and lives in the human society, he must first of all restore
the connections of his organism with the society in such a way that the
life in the society will strengthen his health and powers but do not undermine
and weaken them. The main thing of all this:
1. Each person must find and establish for himself the most suitable
conditions and place in the life, and to those conditions in which he stays
on need, must he relate to always without fear, aversion and nervous temper.
Whatever place the man lives at us he must feel
himself bold and pleased and love our Mother Land. The Love joins and nourishes
the powers of Life, and the fear, aversion and hatred pull the man out
of the life as a flower out from the Earth.
2. Each person must find for himself the suitable and love his labour.
And any labour even the man must be occupied on need, he must love because
that labour to which he relates with love gives the powers, the labour
to which he relates with fear and aversion oppresses and takes his powers.
But either nessesary or favourite labour can make a harm, if it is clumsy
organized and unreasonable. Therefore he gets learned not only to to love
his work but learnt to work so that do not to undermine his powers and
not to do any harm to his organism.
In each individual case depending upon the man and
work I can help him to love his labour and to work so that not to undermine
but to strengthen the health and powers in the work.
3. In each unity there is a center which all the parts are connected
with and which their life depends on. As in the human's organism this centre
is the conciousness and brain, so the conciousness, mind and the centre
of our society is our leader comr.Stalin and our party and the government.
Within the love to them and the connection with them - the connection with
life, the isolation from them - the isolation from life .
In the restoration of the living connection of the
love to the people, to the party and to Stalin the source of the greatest
inexhaustible powers.
I wanna tell about myself that I am a man who developed
this idea on myself, the method of tempering and the method of treatment,
without the one another does not prosper and does not live. I am a man.
It doesn't matter me, if I was praised by the Nature, She tought me as
it will be an opportunity tolive and wether use her conditions strongly
in order we as owners stay at the places there where there is an opportunity,
and they will be able got and put steady at the place of your activity,
that the nature will not influence upon our man from the bad side. This
is a disease. The man must try to geo from th Nature that he doesn't have
neither little nor hard illness, but put into himself his own powers and
will in order to know the conditions and how it should be able to know
to use it.
I am from the 12 February 1951 year put without
a will in the regime, work physically, develope my body and don't consider
the difficulties also, break steel walls for my body. It is seen from everything
that I was right when staied at Taganka and Lubyanka (Moscow-city KGB prisons),
where I was allowed to go out-doors with pant-shorts, I went out, and where
they didn't allow I didn't go out. For me the Natura with her powers serves
the use. Here in Leningrad I prepared myself for to meet the winter time.
And it every day leaves but again comes. I am not steel nor as to bronze
I am a living man, and hard-hard I hear the each thing changing which is
heard by my body as a needle it stings, gets through into the body. Got
electrilised, it's little for me and others.
I had been for the whole month in the first departement,
they took my blood, put me on the X-ray, no any deflextion as only to the
better side. The doctors should give to such a person, e.g. the ill man,
the gratitude, but they relate to sceptically. I don't know what for the
doctors consider me to be a and swinder, if I didn't demand the medical
help for me from the doctors. Quite on the contrary I got set to unhealthiness
with my notion, to the sick men. I brought back for the three men their
previous health and tempered their bodies, warned them from previous illnesses.
These facts are faced, there are gratitudes from them. But the doctors
don't help this work, and prevent, from the administration side they threaten
badness. I know my powers well and my will, reckon with the whole requirementness
I can do even the physical work. Only I am asking the science audience,
the Soviet Government and the party /bolshevick./ and com. Stalin this
idea, this method, the work over yourself and the teaching of my tempering
do not abandon, for we will get to need it later on. Our done way does
not save and can't do that I got and want to give not for any money to
the science and each man. In order our labour kopeck it is not spent in
vane, that the bed in wards will not be in progress within the sick people.
All my life I has been struggling, shouting all through the Nature, knocked
at the doors, the door has opened. I studied the atmostphere and compeled
her for that making her to help me, for I'll treat other people. I garantee
you and this thing is known by you that I didn't sit at the place and didn't
dream, but vigilantly wached and waching am I, every moment I feel , see
- very many such poor suffering in the diseases people, but I helped them,
returned back the health. But our medicina, the science, it doesn't wish
to screw my screw to the big one in order the big screw will hold it better,
that our collective of the medical, scientific people more and stronger
learnt and developed scientifically my method for the man willnever be
ill. This is the large and enormous use. And I didn't forget for it and
will not forget just because it is my labour and my practical work. Whereever
I am and however I consider I won't give it up. If these people who need
it, nessesary, will not help , that on myy such a patience and hard physical
work for the Nature - My undieing business it ought to live that's why
if I were not seeing the truth on myself I would never have done it. But
just I am seeing far and far and hope on the future that it will catch
mine and began to use mine for herself. This I am doing is not a puond
of raisins to eat, but you ought to bear the consoiusness at yours' and
win all the nature elements with it, and when the man got it, he will not
be afraid of the coldness neither hunger, but recieve at his such the state
of health by through his central nervous system. The mainest thing is the
mind - the master of the body, it will make tha heart of ours to get the
direct blood moved by the lungs that the valves push the blood quickly
and enegeticaly through al the mustles in order the albumen molecula will
become healthy and robust. All this is being done through the atmosphere
air surrounding us. Tha main thing while your body naked you see, you hear,
the huge amount of riches. This is the condition of the whole our Mother
Nature, the air and water, without which there is no life on the earth
crust. I loved this, love Nature, all her condition I meet through love.
The main thing I love my Motherland and each person of any nationality.
And for all this we have, our leader and the teacher of ours and the Lenin's
follower com.Stalin, I LOVE HIM TOO and hope on the main thing. This is
the party (bolshevic.). It shall understand me and help my teaching, my
tempering and my sons. 2/XI 1951, P.K.Ivanov
This Teacher's work was prepared for print in Russian by R.Sharashev and R.Talipov and published by the reduction of the newspaper "Posinform", 01.07.1992 The Information center after P.K.Ivanov (349084, Lugansk region, Lutugino distrit, Orekhovka village)defuses the copy of the stuff.
The Teacher's work was translated into English by Igor Panushkin, a post-graduate of The Moscow State University with
the help of my neighbour Romanian Scholar Sorin Sosiv of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture and its students,Gol Park-29, India,on February 7th , 1998.
In 1979 the Teacher writes the letter to L. Breznev with his suggestions on tempering and natural training with his method of so-called "Childy" consisting of 12 items code, this text the Teacher started sending it over to all the people, it runs so: " Soon I am becoming 85 years. 50 of them I devoted for the practical searching the ways of the healthy life. For this purpose I every day experient on myself different qualities of the Nature. Particularly her sever feachers. I am full of the wish to give all my experience to our youth and to all the Soviet people. This is my present for them."
Учение Учителя Иванова
(размышления об Учителе, его Идее и о
практике следования Его советам)
Выпуск 9
Издание второе,
Составители: А. Захаров,
И. Панюшкин
Москва, Орёл
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